In today's world, numerous religions exist, with many divine books written in different languages. However, Allah has sent one religion, one path, and one ideology through 124,000 or 224,000 messengers. After these messengerspassed away, some individuals with vested interests distorted religion for personal gain, leading to the emergence of new messengers. Many people accepted these new messengers and returned to the true path, while others, driven by self-interest or ignorance, opposed them and remained in their old religion. Thus, various religious sects came into being.
Humanity’s Common Ancestry
In reality, the entire human race is one family, the offspring of the same parents, Adam and Eve. According to different religious texts, humanity originates from this single pair of parents: in Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism), they are known as Manu and Shatarupa; in the Bible, as Adam and Eve; and in Islam, as Adam and Hawwa. This common ancestry binds us all together; by creation, we are one. There is no natural or inherent division among us. Similarly, in all religious beliefs, our Creator is one, known by different names such as Allah, Ishwar, Bhagwan, God, Jehovah, or Eli. However, our fundamental identity remains the same: we are all humans, created by the same Creator, and are children of the same parents. Hezbut Tawheed endeavors to instill this awareness, emphasizing our inherent unity and fostering solidarity among people.
Hezbut Tawheed’s Role in Combating Extremism
Not only focused on creating communal harmony, but for the past three decades, Hezbut Tawheed’s dedicated and courageous members have worked tirelessly in various fields to present the true teachings of religion, combating extremism, religious fanaticism, arbitrary fatwas, misogyny, political misuse of religion, and religious mongering. To promote harmony among all religious communities in Bangladesh, we have organized numerous interfaith events under the theme 'the essence of all religions: humanity above all.' These events have witnessed enthusiastic participation from followers, religious leaders, and representatives of various religious organizations.
Mohammad's (pbuh) Vision of Unity
The last messenger, Muhammad (PBUH), aimed to unite all worshiping communities and unify the entire human race into one nation. He established a way of life where people of all religions enjoyed utmost freedom and security in practicing their faith. By eliminating mutual hatred and hostility, he succeeded in establishing ideological unity among people of different faiths.
Currently, communal hatred and enmity have pushed the world to the brink of major conflicts. In several countries, majority groups are brutally persecuting specific minority communities, forcibly displacing them from their homelands. Extremist factions within each religion propagate hatred against others and incite violence for political gain. National and international forces often resort to military interventions to address these issues, providing security at places of worship and offering financial compensation following attacks. However, these are temporary remedies, not solutions to the underlying problems.
The Legacy of Colonialism
During the British colonial era, their divide and rule policy sparked communal riots and hostilities between Hindus and Muslims in this subcontinent, the repercussions of which persist to this day. As true followers of the World Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), Hezbut Tawheed strives to establish interfaith harmony through dialogues with leaders and followers of all religious communities, organizing thousands of meetings and seminars, and proposing pathways for humanity to unite as one nation while preserving individual faiths. Hezbut Tawheed endeavors to unite followers of all religions based on eternal justice and truth, promoting mutual respect and brotherhood, and breaking down barriers between different groups. In doing so, it has faced numerous accusations and obstacles imposed by clerics and religious opportunists, enduring continuous persecution without backing down.
Controversy Surrounding Hezbut Tawheed’s Ideology
A major grievance from reactionary communal groups against the book "This Islam is Not Islam At All" by Hezbut Tawheed’s founder, Emamuzzaman Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, is his suggestion that some Indian avatars could be messengers of Allah. Conservative clerics spread intense hatred and animosity towards these avatars in their sermons, using derogatory language to defame them. Emamuzzaman's suggestion that some of these avatars could be messengers of Allah has enraged them, resulting in accusations of blasphemy and apostasy against him.
Violent Opposition to Hezbut Tawheed’s Mission
Furthermore, when Hezbut Tawheed organized conferences, roundtable discussions, and seminars for interfaith harmony, aiming to unite all religious communities against injustice, fanatic communal groups falsely accused Hezbut Tawheed of creating a new religion by amalgamating all religions and claiming that all religions are true. They ignited blind religious sentiments among the masses, resulting in a horrific terrorist attack on Hezbut Tawheed’s Emam Hossain Mohammad Salim’s house in Noakhali in 2016. During this attack, they demolished a mosque under construction, looted and burned houses, and brutally murdered two members in broad daylight. Hezbut Tawheed has paid the ultimate price for its efforts to establish interfaith harmony. Despite this, Hezbut Tawheed calls upon people of all religions to unite as one community, reminding them of their shared original identity.