Tawheed: The Sovereignty of Allah

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Riyadul Hasan
Feb 03, 2025
visibility 65 Read
Humanity stands at a crossroads, faced with two distinct paths. One is the Sirat al-Mustaqim (the Straight Path), the path of guidance revealed by Allah through His prophets and messengers. The other is the crooked path, the way of Iblis, leading to misguidance (Dalalah). Every individual must choose between accepting Allah as the sole authority and living according to His prescribed way of life, or, under Satan’s influence, creating an opposing way of life in defiance of divine commands. The inevitable result of following the latter is turmoil, injustice, oppression, and bloodshed—just as Iblis and the angels foresaw.
To attain true peace, one must first acknowledge Allah’s absolute sovereignty. This is the foundation of Tawheed, affirmed through the declaration La Ilaha Illallah. A person enters Islam by proclaiming this fundamental belief. It is the key to Jannah (as narrated by Ahmad from Mu'adh ibn Jabal). Every prophet and messenger conveyed this very message of Tawheed (Surah Al-Anbiya 21). As followers of the last Messenger of Allah, our fundamental creed is La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah (SAW)—meaning that we accept no rule or command other than Allah’s and recognize Muhammad (SAW) as His messenger. This implies that in all aspects of life—whether personal, familial, social, legal, economic, or judicial—Allah’s guidance must be followed exclusively, without deviation or compromise.
Today, the word Ilah is commonly translated as Worshipped One, equivalent to Ma’bud in Arabic. However, Ilah and Ma’bud have distinct meanings. The true meaning of Ilah is Lawgiver, Legislator, and Supreme Authority. If the Kalima is translated as There is no Ma’bud (Worshipped One) except Allah, it fails to convey the full essence of Tawheed. The correct translation is: There is no Lawgiver except Allah.
For centuries, this misinterpretation has led people to recognize Allah only as a Ma’bud (One to be worshipped) in their personal lives—performing prayers, fasting, Hajj, and other religious rituals. Millions of mosques are built for worship, yet peace remains elusive in society. This is because true peace requires adherence to Allah’s laws not just in personal life but also in social, national, and state affairs. However, in all aspects of collective life, humanity follows man-made laws—essentially, the dictates of Iblis. The consequence is widespread injustice, oppression, and bloodshed across the world.
The only solution lies in returning to Allah’s guidance: La Ilaha Illallah—affirming Him as the sole Ilah (Lawgiver and Supreme Authority). Only by doing so can humanity establish peace in this world and attain salvation in the Hereafter.

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