The Conspiratorial Education System

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Feb 20, 2025
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The Conspiratorial Education System


It is essential to examine how the European nations, having defeated and enslaved this nation, banned their divine laws, and converted them into polytheists and infidels, took measures to establish their permanent dominance. Theseeducation system new rulers were not foolish. They knew well why and how they were able to chain this nation. The intelligent enemy understood that the nation which once swept them away like dry leaves in a storm could now be subjugated because it had deviated from the goals and objectives set for it. As a result of this deviation, the nation’s outward and explosive nature had turned inward, stifling its progress, making it static.


The inevitable outcome of this stagnation allowed the nation’s scholars to delve into minute details of religious commandments, creating various sects and factions. Similarly, the imbalanced Sufis had the opportunity and time to develop numerous mystical paths. The enemy also understood that as long as they could keep this enslaved nation distracted from its goals, busy with the minutiae of religious practices and spiritual purification, they had nothing to fear. However, if the nation somehow rediscovered the divine guidance and direction given by Allah and His  Messenger (PBUH), the enemies would once again be swept away like dry leaves.


To keep the nation away from its true goals, the enemy decided to control its education system. The European conquerors, after studying and examining the educational system of the enslaved nation, realized that the existing system already served their purpose of keeping the nation perpetually shackled in slavery without much effort. The nation’s scholars had already prepared a fertile ground for this. They taught the nation everything except the true purpose and goal, focusing instead on insignificant details leading to endless debates and conflicts.


education systemThis examination revealed why the nation had quickly fallen from being a global leader in knowledge and technology to an uneducated, ignorant people. They also observed that the military education and motivation of the nation had been completely suppressed. Consequently, the European masters built an educational system on this prepared ground that further engaged the nation in trivial analyses, divided them into more factions, made them more introspective, and ensured the masters' rule and exploitation remained secure and unchallenged.


Historical observations suggest that different European powers had decided this collectively, as almost the entire Muslim world, from Morocco to Borneo, was dominated by various European nations, all implementing similar measures. Each power introduced a dual educational system in their colonies. One was the education system prevalent in their own countries, partly due to necessity. Since it was impractical to bring sufficient manpower from their own countries to manage the vast territories and populations, they had to rely on local assistance. Educating locals in their system also aimed to create a loyal class that would assist in administration. However, they ensured that unlike in their own countries, where the education system instilled love, loyalty, and trust in one's nation, in the colonies, it fostered a sense of contempt and hatred for their heritage and a sense of inferiority towards their masters.


They crafted the curriculum to replace the history of the enslaved nation with that of various European nations. They erased the Muslim contributions to science, attributing all advancements to Western inventors, thereby ingraining in students' minds that knowledge and science were solely the achievements of Europeans. The students were taught that their own culture, beliefs, and people were primitive. Militarily, the students were taught about great Western generals like Hannibal, Caesar, and Napoleon, unaware that the only undefeated generals in history were five Eastern leaders, four of whom were Muslims:  Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH), Khalid bin Walid, the Caliph of Spain Abd al-Rahman, Sultan Mahmud, and Genghis Khan. Western historians tried to portray the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) as defeated in the Battle of Uhud, although in reality, it was a setback intended by Allah to teach the importance of following a leader's commands precisely.


European rulers also introduced their languages as the medium of instruction to instill a sense of inferiority in the youth of the enslaved nations. This shift aimed to sever the link with Arabic, which had been the unifying language ofeducation system education across the Muslim world. This change fragmented the nation further, and the curriculum was designed to ensure that students received just enough education to serve the colonial administration but not enough to challenge it. The result was a class of clerks proficient in the necessary arithmetic, geography, science, and distorted history to assist in governance but who lacked a comprehensive education.


This "educated" class diligently served the European masters, running the colonial administration at mid and lower levels, suppressing uprisings, and even acting against their people. This class, influenced by their education, tried to emulate their masters in every aspect, from behavior to dress. The education system thus created a segment within the enslaved nation whose minds were steeped in servitude.


Despite transforming the enslaved nations into genuinely loyal subjects mentally, the Western masters were not entirely satisfied. This was because a significant portion of the population remained unaffected by this education. When they conquered this vast nation militarily, enslaving it, thousands of schools, numerous universities, and millions of students were still present. It goes without saying that the true teachings of Islam were absent, as their Western rulers would not have become enslaved otherwise. Due to the scholars of Islam, the teachings were long restricted to intricate analyses of the religious commands, and the schools and universities taught these harmful subjects, causing the nation to fall from the heights of knowledge and science. However, the Western masters were still not reassured. To ensure safety from this larger part of the enslaved nation, they took the following steps:


education systema) Firstly, they destroyed the then-existing schools of this nation, known as madrasas, through several methods. Some were selectively shut down, while others were left to die a natural death by cutting off all support. I won't go into the detailed accounts of how various European nations destroyed their native Arabic education in different Muslim countries, as it would make the book exceedingly long. Suffice it to say that within a short period, the situation became such that a small portion of the population was transformed into black and brown Europeans, while the larger part remained ignorant and illiterate.


b) Not feeling secure even with this, the Western masters took further steps to ensure their safety from the larger population. This involved reintroducing madrasa education in Arabic, but with a significant difference. The education was designed to ensure that the nation never found its true identity. The foundation for this was beautifully laid by our own scholars, jurists, and interpreters. Building on this foundation, the Western masters' Arabic-educated scholars (Orientalists) meticulously crafted the new madrasa curriculum. They carefully excluded the military aspects of the religion, removed anything that could remind the nation of its objectives and goals, and replaced them with trivial and less important matters. The curriculum included unnecessary but controversial topics such as detailed analyses and debates on prayer, fasting, Hajj, zakat, personal hygiene, clothing, and divorce, intending to keep the educated limited to these minor issues and prevent them from rising above them. While intricate processes of personal worship were included, significant national issues were sidelined or completely omitted. Despite all this, the Western masters were not reassured.


They hadn't forgotten the fierce resistance they had faced from this nation and remained fearful. Hence, they kept the administration of these newly established madrasas under their control for many years. Only when they were certain that the education, even based on the Quran and Hadith in Arabic, had entangled the educated in unnecessary and controversial issues to the extent that there was no danger of them breaking free, did they hand over the control of these madrasas to the Muslims themselves.


The policy was adopted throughout the Muslim world. In Algeria and other colonies, France; in Tripoli, Libya, Italy, Egypt, and the Indian subcontinent, the British; and in Indonesia and Indochina, the Dutch—all implemented roughly theeducation system same method to keep this nation blinded. Instead of going into details, just the example of this country should suffice for an inquisitive mind. The first madrasa established under this new system in the subcontinent was the Aliah Madrasa in Kolkata, founded in 1780 by Governor-General Lord Warren Hastings. The first principal appointed was a British Christian named Dr. A. Springer, MA. Subsequently, 27 Christian principals consecutively held the position for 146 years (from 1780 to 1926).


These Christian scholars determined and implemented what education would be provided to the students according to the British government's policy. The scholars, graduates, and other religious leaders who emerged from these madrasas and taught Islam to the rest of the nation had learned 'Islam' from Christian teachers. It's not hard to guess what kind of 'Islam' the Christians taught them. I have already mentioned this earlier. What a dire irony! A nation could become so distorted that graduates who learned Islam from Christians, wearing long robes and turbans with long beards, could live in their society with respect and lead the ignorant masses. This is not just the history of this country but the entire 'Muslim' world.


Like stated erlier, the Western masters maintained control over the administration of these madrasas for many years. When they were certain that they had successfully entangled the students in unnecessary and controversial issues and that there was no longer any danger of them escaping, they handed over the control of these madrasas to the Muslims and to the graduates of these madrasas. Just as with the Aliah Madrasa in Kolkata, many madrasas were established by the Christian masters throughout the vast 'Muslim' world, producing thousands of 'scholars, graduates, and masters' and releasing them into society. The illiterate masses learned 'Islam' from these individuals.


education systemThe unfortunate scholars and interpreters of early Islam failed to grasp the importance and significance of a simple and straightforward way of life, leading to disastrous over-analysis. However, they were genuinely knowledgeable and scholarly. But the scholars who later emerged under the guidance of Christian teachers were neither knowledgeable nor scholarly. The education provided by the Christian teachers contained nothing of national significance, only personal issues and especially those that were highly controversial due to earlier sectarian and jurisprudential differences. The Christian teachers deliberately limited the education to these controversial issues so that the educated would spend their lives arguing and fighting over them, and the general public would come to perceive these personal issues as the entirety of Islam, posing no threat to the Western masters.


There's no doubt that their plan and its implementation have given them unprecedented results. The madrasa system in the Muslim world today was created by those Christian masters; from which emerges a small-minded and nearly blind priest class, fit only to become mosque imams, muezzins, funeral directors, or reciters of religious poems, and nothing else of national importance, as per the masters' plan. Because along with that madrasa education, they did not include any vocational training that could enable them to earn a livelihood. The purpose was to turn them entirely into a priest class so that the general populace would be more engaged in learning those distorted, controversial religious issues, allowing the rulers to rest assured.


The principal of Dhaka Alia Madrasa, Muhammad Yaqub Sharif, explicitly mentioned in one of his writings that "Alia Madrasa is a product of British conspiracy and its history is the history of the fall of the Muslim nation." He wrote, "Muslims were a nation of warriors. The English merchants usurped power from them through deception and conspiracy and imposed numerous plots to destroy their traditional religion, education, and dignity. Alia Madrasa is a product of those conspiracies. Outwardly, this institution was established to protect the interests of Muslims as a separate community, to preserve their religion, culture, and ideals. But in reality, deceiving Muslims through this institution was their real intention."


The British began various conspiracies to transfer the administrative division from the hands of the Muslim nation. The principal said, "Previously, the educated students of madrasas were appointed as Qazis, Assessors, and system Later, arrangements were made to stop even that. Gradually, all efforts were made to weaken Muslims economically and socially. To enable madrasa students to find a livelihood, it was proposed to include 'Ilm al-Tibb' (traditional medicine) in the Alia Madrasa syllabus, but the British government rejected it. Eventually, this madrasa survived solely for religious education. Thus, Muslims gradually lost their state, wealth, and dignity and became a poor nation, something they could never have imagined." In this way, the foundation of religious commerce among Muslims was permanently established, and the version of Islam taught by the Christians entrenched itself in everyone's mind.


After militarily conquering almost every Muslim country in the world, European Christians devised far-reaching plans to ensure that this nation could never rise against them again. One of these was to mentally subjugate this nation through the education system. Since the education system is a means by which the character of a person can be shaped as desired, the occupying powers introduced general education alongside madrasa education in their occupied Muslim countries. The secular general education system was introduced through schools and colleges. They did this division because it was impossible to govern this vast area without the local people. To train the necessary manpower for military and civil administration, they included English language,usury -based mathematics, various branches of science, history (mainly the history of England and Europe’s kings and queens), geography, technology—everything needed for worldly life—in the curriculum. However, knowledge about Allah, the Messenger, the Hereafter, and religion was almost entirely excluded, as well as morality, humanity, ideals, and patriotism. They were educated in such a way that their minds remained subservient to the rulers while harboring an enormous hostility born of ignorance towards Allah, the Messenger, and their faith.


education systemAfter ruling and exploiting the so-called Muslim world for several centuries, the time came for the European powers to leave. Roughly in the middle of this century, they granted "independence" to these fragmented parts and left the Orient. The primary reason for this departure was not that this enslaved nation had regained its sight, rediscovered itself, and rebelled to reclaim its lost place. Indeed, there were rebellions in a few places for geographical independence, but the main reason was that the European states were so weakened and damaged by fighting each other in the Second World War that they no longer had the strength to hold onto their vast colonies in Asia and Africa. However, if they wished, they could have kept their occupied countries under their control for a while longer even with their weakened strength. But doing so would have severely hampered their post-war reconstruction. Therefore, they wisely decided to maintain good relations and granted these subjugated nations apparent independence through negotiations before returning to Europe.


Upon deciding to leave the colonies, the European masters considered who would take over the power. The decision was not difficult because it was clear which class would be influenced by them in the future, protect their interests, and try to keep them happy. So, when they left, they handed power over to the class that they had shaped into their loyal servants through their language and curriculum, detaching them from their national mentality. Power could not have been handed over to any other class because, apart from this "educated" class created by the European masters, there were only two other classes: one was the priest class educated in their madrasas, and the other was the illiterate and uneducated masses. The priest class knew nothing beyond religious issues, making it impossible for them to govern, and handing power to the illiterate and uneducated was out of the question. Thus, power came into the hands of the black French, brown English, and yellow Dutch. As mentioned before, except for their skin color, they were European in every other aspect. They were disconnected from their history, way of life (deen), civilization, and culture—not only disconnected but also opposed, deeply subservient to their past masters. The hopes and aspirations of this power-holding class did not align with those of their own nation and often conflicted.


In countries where independence came as a result of movement and struggle, it primarily came through the efforts of the general populace. But power fell into the hands of this slavish "educated" class. The inevitable result of thiseducation system power transfer was that the new rulers, having just become independent, did not reinstate their life system—abandoned by the foreign masters—back into national life. They kept the political, economic, penal codes, and even the education system established by the former rulers just as they were and imposed them on their own nation. This new ruling class believed that the system created by the Europeans was better than any other political, economic, or legal system they could have. They considered the laws given by Allah, which were 1400 years old, to be outdated and thus rejected them. The result of this enormous inferiority complex was that, even though the prison doors were opened and the police left, the prisoners continued to live in the prison, following the daily routine of work imposed by the former police guards. They selected some people from among themselves to fill the positions of the departed police masters. This new police force beat them with sticks, forced them to do their daily chores as before, and convinced them that the previous police had gone, that they were now free, but they would stay here and continue to live as they had because this was the best system, and nothing better could exist. Most of the ordinary, uneducated prisoners believed them because, by then, they had forgotten the time when they were free. They were shamefully ignorant of their past history. They were not allowed to know that there was an open world of Allah outside the prison. We are still in the prison of our former masters—only the physical police are no longer here; their wardens still control and govern us.

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