Which way to Jannah?

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Feb 07, 2025
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For long now, in terms of religious practices in their personal lives, the deity ('Ilah') of the population known as Muslims is Allah. However, in their national and state lives, their 'Ilah' is Western Judeo-Christian 'civilization.' Like all otherJannah peoples of the world, this so-called Muslim nation has also become enslaved to Western 'civilization.' By adopting their principles, this nation has today rejected Islam from their national life. Therefore, a storm of Allah and His angels' curses is sweeping over all nations. Wherever this nation is in the world, they are being oppressed, humiliated, and disgraced.


However, the hopeful aspect is that the end of this dark chapter is imminent, because this fallen nation of so-called Muslims will soon awaken, insha'Allah. They will regain their lost beliefs. They will once again possess the character that instills fear in the hearts of enemies and is filled with love among themselves. There are several logical and undeniable reasons for this.


The first reason: The title of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (SM) is 'Mercy to the Worlds' (Rahmatul-lil-Alameen)

Allah has referred to His Messenger in the Qur'an as "Rahmatul-lil-Alameen" (Mercy to the Worlds). The term "Rahmatul-lil-Alameen" means (Allah's) mercy upon the nations of the world. Now the question arises: look at the world today, where is that mercy? Everywhere there is unrest, despair, injustice, oppression, war, bloodshed, and heartbreak. Perhaps never before in human history has there been so much collective sorrow and unrest. In just thirty years, history has seen two world wars claiming sixteen million lives, and since then, another fifty million people have been affected in such a short time. It's doubtful if there has ever been so much injustice in human history. More importantly, humanity stands at the brink of destruction due to nuclear war. This is the current situation, fourteen hundred years after the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to this world.


JannahSo how can he be a mercy for the world's people? The answer is that the way of life, the Deen, that Allah sent through His Messenger (peace be upon him), if collectively applied and established upon humanity, would bring about peace, justice, and security. This is Allah's mercy and grace, for without this divinely given way of life, humanity could never achieve it on their own. Allah gave this way of life, Deen, and constitution through the Messenger, whom He then titled "Rahmatul-lil-Alameen."


However, as long as the entire human race does not abandon their self-made ways of life and adopt the way of life sent by Allah through Muhammad (peace be upon him), they will remain engulfed in unrest, injustice (corruption), war, and bloodshed, just as it is today. Thus, the title of the Messenger (peace be upon him) will not become meaningful and significant until then, and it hasn't yet. His followers have failed to make his title fully meaningful. But, insha'Allah, it will happen; the time is ahead. The title given by the Creator cannot fail; it is impossible. Therefore, sooner or later, the entire human race will accept him as Allah's Messenger and implement the true Deen sent through him in their collective lives.


The second reason: The rise of the movement and the establishment of the Caliphate in the manner of Messengerhood.

The Messenger of Allah prophesied, “Messengerhood will remain among you as long as Allah wills it to remain (that is, he himself), then Allah will remove it. Then there will be a Caliphate following the way of Messengerhood. It will remain as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will remove it. Then there will be a reign of oppressive monarchies. It will remain as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will remove it. After that, there will be a reign of tyrannical oppression. After that, the Caliphate will return following the way of Messengerhood once again.” (Dalail-ul-Nubuwwah, Bayhaqi, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Mishkat).  The prophecy of the Messenger of Allah is now being fulfilled step by step. The first three stages have already been realized. Currently, we are in the period of tyrannical oppression (Jabariyyah), which is the oppressive rule of the Western Judeo-Christian forces, also known as the reign of the Antichrist (Dajjal). After this, the Caliphate following the way of Messengerhood is expected to come. From the words of the Messenger of Allah, it is understood that in the end times, or in the near future, this nation will rise again. Naturally, the question arises: who will awaken this sleeping nation? Who will break this deep slumber of the Ummah?

The Messenger of Allah said, “There will always be a group among my Ummah who will uphold the commands and prohibitions of Allah at all times.” Regarding this group, the Messenger of Allah mentioned that among the seventy-Jannahthree sects, there will be only one saved group (Firqa-e-Najiyah). This emancipated group now needs to step forward. To awaken the nation from its deep slumber, they must strike as hard as necessary to bring awareness. If someone from the remaining seventy-two sects asks a member of this saved group, “Are you Shia or Sunni, or from the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, or Ahlul Hadith, Hanafi or Shafi’i, Maliki or Hanbali, or something else?” their response should be, “Brother, I am none of those. I am merely striving with all my might to be a true believer (Mu’min) and a member of the Ummah of Muhammad.”


One of the main duties of the saved group (Firqa-e-Najiyah) will be to question the Muslims who hold the name but have strayed: did those who were always with the Messenger of Allah, who accompanied him in every struggle, and directly learned what Islam is from him, learn the true Islam, or is the Islam being taught by today's Mawlanas, Mullahs, and Peers the correct one? The religion we currently cling to, thinking it is Islam, outwardly resembles the Deen that came through the Messenger of Allah. Outwardly, the practices such as dhikr, prayers, fasting, Hajj, beards, caps, clothes, etc., appear similar. But the inner character is entirely opposite to the Messenger’s Islam, completely contrary.


Moreover, another important task of the emancipated group will be to call upon the fragmented seventy-two sects and tell them that despite your divisions into various sects and schools of thought, do you not believe in one Allah, one Messenger, and one Qur'an? Therefore, in this difficult time for the Ummah, when unity is so essential, come together on this common ground and stand against injustice.


JannahIf you cannot eliminate the sectarian divisions, then for the sake of unity, keep them at the personal level. Do not bring them out in the public sphere. Let Shias remain Shias; practice your sect in personal, familial, and even social contexts, but for national interests and unity, stand beside the Sunnis. Let Sunnis remain Sunnis in personal, familial, and social matters, but stand beside Shias on national matters. Similarly, Hanafis, Shafi’is, Hanbalis, Malikis, and other sects should keep their unfortunate, nation-destroying divisions at the personal level and unite on the national level as believers in one Allah, one Messenger, and as one Ummah. Stand together on a single platform and strive in the way of Allah, that is, for the welfare of humanity.


To both Shias and Sunnis, I want to say, currently, you are causing riots in Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and almost the entire Muslim world, killing each other; who among you will enter Paradise? According to the Messenger, none of you will. So, enough is enough. Please stop now. If the people who believe in one Allah, one Messenger, and one Qur'an do not respond to the call of the emancipated group (Firqa-e-Najiyah), then that group can do nothing more. They will remain clear in the sight of Allah and His Messenger. However, the call must be made as the Messengers have always made it, facing tremendous opposition, humiliation, and persecution. But their call could not be stopped. Hundreds of tortures and thousands of oppositions could not deter them.


The redeemed group has no reason to despair. So why is this group considered redeemed? Because they are true followers of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. The example of the Messenger enduring much persecution, opposition, humiliation, and oppression is before them. So, what is there to fear? The emancipated group fears none but Allah.

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