Hezbut Tawheed’s goals and objectives

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Feb 07, 2025
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If we analyze the name "Hezbut Tawheed" semantically, the word "Hezb" means group or party in English, and "Tawheed" comes from the Arabic word "Wahdaniyat," which means the oneness of Allah. Therefore, the literal meaning ofgoals and objectives "Hezbut Tawheed" is the group of the oneness of Allah, i.e., the group that believes in the concept of "accepting no authority other than Allah." This name clearly conveys Hezbut Tawheed's objective, which is to eliminate all divisions, inequalities, and so forth among people and unite everyone based on Allah's commandments.


Humans are social beings; they need to live in society. To live socially, individuals, families, societies, and states all need a supreme authority to follow in all aspects of life. This supreme authority can be of two types: the Creator or the creation. People can either accept the Creator Allah as the sole authority in their lives or, out of arrogance, reject Allah and place themselves in the position of authority. Allah has given humans full freedom in this matter, and human destiny in the hereafter depends on which authority they choose. On the other hand, Iblis (Satan) has challenged Allah, claiming he will make humans deny Allah's sovereignty and place themselves as the authority. Throughout history, whenever he got the opportunity, Iblis has made humans do this. Conversely, Messengers and Nabis and Rasuls have come to invite people to Tawheed, thwarting Iblis's conspiracies.


goals and objectivesAllah's final Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him), was born in 570 CE. At the age of forty, in 610 CE, he received Messengerhood. After being appointed as a Messenger, he stood at the foot of Mount Safa and called everyone to a single message: "La ilaha illallah" - there is no god but Allah, meaning we will accept no authority other than Allah. He observed that the Arab society of his time was rife with injustice, oppression, unrest, tyranny, and bloodshed on a daily basis. People had no rights, women had no respect, and people were often found intoxicated with alcohol, embroiled in wars and conflicts. The society's condition was unbearable in every aspect, which is why that era is referred to as the Age of Ignorance or Jahiliyyah.


The Messenger (peace be upon him) sought ways to liberate society from the darkness of this ignorance and bring peace and brotherhood. He meditated in the cave of Hira, contemplating the means of salvation for humanity. Allah heard the yearning of his heart and, through him, provided humanity with the right path (guidance) to save them from all forms of injustice, oppression, war, and bloodshed, and to attain paradise in the hereafter.


Allah created us, so who knows better than Allah how we should live to achieve peace in our lives? Just as Allah is perfect and flawless, the system of life He has provided is also flawless. When people acknowledge Tawheed, meaning they unite under the principle of "accepting no authority other than Allah," they effectively choose a flawless system for managing their collective lives. Since Allah has not given humans the level of knowledge, wisdom, and ability needed to create a perfect system of life on their own, when humans reject Allah as the sole authority and attempt to create their own systems, they inevitably fall into injustice, oppression, war, and bloodshed. The current state of the world serves as an example.


What is Allah's command? Allah's command is justice and fairness. What is just and true is Allah's command, and what is unjust and unfair is Iblis's command, his instigations. These commands of Allah were gradually revealed to thegoals and objectives Messenger (peace be upon him) over twenty-three years of Messenger hood, and their collected form is the Quran. The Quran contains 114 surahs, but it is important to remember that the entire Quran was not revealed in one day. From the beginning, Allah's Messenger invited everyone to unite under the Kalima, the declaration of Tawheed. This means he called people to the fundamental principle of whom they would accept as their authority. Those who committed to accepting Allah became believers (Mu'min). The nation formed from these believers was the nation of Mu'min, with the Messenger (peace be upon him) as their leader. This nation managed every aspect of life—family, social, and state affairs—according to Allah's commands.


Whether an individual would eat pork or mutton, whether dowry or mahr would be practiced in marriage, whether business would be conducted with interest or profit, whether slavery or service would prevail—on all these matters, the nation made decisions based on Allah's commands. This decision-making principle is Tawheed, "La ilaha illallah." The Messenger (peace be upon him) said that those who commit to Tawheed will have all their sins forgiven by Allah. Opposite to this Tawheed is Shirk, for which there is no forgiveness (Surah An-Nisa 4:48). The movement to call humanity towards this Tawheed is Hezbut Tawheed.


A question may arise: why is Hezbut Tawheed calling towards Tawheed when people are already reciting the Kalima, performing good deeds, and singing Allah's praises in mosques and madrasas? Yes, it is true that millions of people are continuously worshipping Allah with great sincerity, but they are not following Allah's commands! Not an inch of the earth is being governed by accepting Allah as the sole authority (Ilah), and the natural consequence of this is that all kinds of injustice, oppression, war, and bloodshed have exceeded all limits. This planet, Earth, is now on the brink of destruction. Even the Muslim community, for the past few centuries, has been managing their collective lives according to various systems, doctrines, and ideologies imposed by Western imperialists.


goals and objectivesA nation cannot have two Ilahs. If we accept Allah as the Ilah in our personal lives through prayers, fasting, etc., but accept someone else as the Ilah in our national life, this is clearly Shirk. Regarding this, Allah says in the Quran, "Do you believe in part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense for those who do so among you, except disgrace in this worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be sent to the severest punishment" (Surah Al-Baqarah: 85).


Over fourteen centuries, we now clearly see that due to abandoning Tawheed, the community of the Messenger no longer exists as a unified nation. This once united community is now divided into thousands of sects, schools of thought, groups, sub-groups, and tariqas. They have become slaves to other nations. Other nations are destroying their lands one by one, making them refugees. They have become the most degraded people on earth, despised by all other nations. In their personal lives, they believe in Allah, perform Salah, observe fasting, perform Hajj, and give Zakat, identifying themselves as Muslims, submitters to Allah. But in reality, they have submitted to the materialistic, deceitful civilization of the West, and to all kinds of injustice and oppression.


Now, the community must first commit to this principle: we will accept no authority other than Allah's. Then this community will once again become the best nation, prosperous and advanced in all fields, including education and technology, and will become a guiding nation as the Messenger had established on the foundation of Tawheed. We, Hezbut Tawheed, are striving for this very goal.


Today, the entire human race is submerged in pervasive injustice. They are terrified by the specter of atomic bombs and civilization stands on the brink of catastrophic wars. A small technological error could destroy this beautiful Earthgoals and objectives at any moment. The United Nations has been unable to prevent wars. Each country is strengthening its own law enforcement agencies, but this does not bring relief. New laws are being enacted, punishments are becoming harsher, but crime and injustice are increasing disproportionally. All systems have failed today. In this situation, the founder of Hezbut Tawheed, Imamuzzaman Mohammed Bayazeed Khan Panni has raised the banner of Tawheed as the only means of salvation for humanity.


We, Hezbut Tawheed, are working day and night to realize this single goal and purpose. We are all children of Adam and Eve. Our Lord is one, our nation will be one, and our goal and purpose will be to unite humanity on the basis of Tawheed to establish justice, equality, and peace. Humanity can either accept or reject our call for unity. The freedom to accept either choice exists. However, we will certainly continue our struggle, and if humanity accepts it, a beautiful and peaceful society will surely be established. Otherwise, humanity will not be able to escape this turmoil by any other means.

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