The Purpose of Human Creation

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Riyadul Hasan
Feb 03, 2025
visibility 70 Read
Allah has created nothing in this vast universe without purpose; everything has a profound reason behind it (Surah Ad-Dukhan 38). With a single command, “Kun” (Be), He brought all of creation into existence (Surah An-Nahl 40). He has also stated that everything between the heavens and the earth has been created for the service of mankind (Surah Al-Jathiya 13). How, then, can human life be without purpose? Certainly not. Yet, without correctly understanding this purpose, one cannot make the best use of their valuable life. So, what is that purpose?
When Allah planned the creation of mankind, He stated His intention before His countless creations. He said, "I intend to create My khalifah (vicegerent) on Earth" (Surah Al-Baqarah 30). Thus, humans are Allah’s khalifah (vicegerent) on Earth. The word "khalifah" means representative. The very purpose of human life is to represent Allah in this world, which is the essence of worship—the ultimate duty for which Allah created mankind (Surah Adh-Dhariyat 56). When Allah gathered all the angels and revealed His intention, they responded in unison, "Will You create beings who will cause corruption, injustice, and bloodshed on Earth?" (Surah Al-Baqarah 30).
Allah presented proof of Adam's superiority before them and commanded everyone to prostrate before Adam and serve humanity. Only Iblis refused to bow to Adam, who was created from clay. Since Iblis was made of fire, he was inherently arrogant. He challenged Allah, claiming that if given respite, he would prove that humans are not superior. He argued that humans, too, would disobey Allah and engage in injustice, oppression, and bloodshed.
To ensure that humans could never represent Allah, Iblis vowed to continuously mislead them with evil temptations. Allah granted Adam and Eve (AS) the freedom to enjoy all the blessings of Paradise, except for one restriction—they were forbidden to approach a particular tree. However, Iblis deceived them into disobeying Allah’s command. As a result, Allah sent Adam, Eve, and Iblis to Earth as each other’s enemies.
Allah then told Adam that He would send guidance to humanity. Those who followed this guidance would have nothing to fear. In other words, they would live in justice and peace on Earth, avoiding injustice, cruelty, and bloodshed. In the Hereafter, they would return to their true home—Paradise. If they succeeded in proving Allah victorious in the challenge against Iblis, they would receive eternal rewards.

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